Faith + Hope + Love

Chris and Becky met in the summer of 2005 after serving in Southeast Asia as college students. The Father brought these two together over a common burning desire to serve the people of Southeast Asia. They married in 2009 and together started working towards the calling they both received. The Father has used the last 7 years to prepare the Bielnski's to do His full-time work in Southeast Asia. They have made several visits back before finally moving over in January of 2013. Every visit prior to their move was full of opportunities to create friendships as well as opened doors. As a gospel-shaped couple Chris and Becky yearn to serve the nation of Southeast Asia. Through prayer the Bielinski's live life with the local community from college students to the villagers in a manner worthy of God. They hope to continue in celebrating victory after victory as people around them are awakened for His glory.