There are 4 families (us included) in our town serving together for the same purpose. We are all individually very different, but we are committed to each other as a community. After spending time with these families in the past week, we are reminded of Romans 12:11-13, “Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pry all the harder. Help needy believers; be inventive in hospitality.”
This morning’s sermon was centered around Matthew 5:5, “Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth.” Typically our brains automatically associate the word “meek” with the synonyms “timid” and “weak”. In reality, “meekness” takes strength. It is the way of calming our wild spirit and seeking to the Father. It is being genuinely happy for others when they receive from the Father what we do not receive. It means to have joy for others in all circumstances. It is thinking, “When I see my own sins, I am kinder and gentler towards the sins of others.” Spiritual mourning leads to meekness. Meekness is required when confronting one another.
We encourage you to watch the tube video called, “Ten Strategies for Cultivating Meekness”. Once you get past the guy’s accent, his message is enlightening.
1) Moderate your expectations of others. (Psalm 103:14)
2) Find joy in evidence of Father’s grace. (Phil 4:8)
3) Remember how much you’ve been forgiven. (2 Pet. 1:9) Thought: “If Father would be angry against me because of my offenses with Him as much as I am angry with others’ offenses against me… where would I be?
4) Take time before you form judgments. (James 1:19; Prov. 18:17)
5) Make friends with meek people. (Prov. 22:24-25) Thought: “Do not make friends with those habitually angry or it will rub off on you.”
6) Take pleasure in the joys of others. (Rom. 12:15) Thought: “Irrigate your soul in the joys AND sorrows of your people. The meek spirited person is glad for those doing better than himself. Be intentional to rejoice over every good gift Father gives to others that He did not choose to give to you.
7) Discern Father’s hand in the work of your enemies. (John 18:11)
8) Walk daily in fellowship with JC. (Matt. 11:29) Thought: Meekness is not in our nature, it only comes from Father. Be yoked with him every hour of every day.
9) Anticipate all that Father has promised. (Matt 5:5)
10) Ask Father to give you meekness. (James 3:17) Thought: Think the best of others.
After a wonderful message, we headed back to campus. On our way home, we passed a truck with 2 lions and a small bear! We have seen this truck driving around town before, and we have often wondered what would happen if these animals escaped! There is a local circus in town that we need to make time to see! Here is a small video clip of these beastly creatures.
We spent the late afternoon riding a moped around the surrounding villages.
Pryer Requests:
- School starts this week. Please pry for Becky's throat to stop hurting and for her classes to run smoothly.
- Job opportunities for Chris are currently being discussed. Please pry for Father to reveal His plan and His timing.
- Relationships with co-workers.
- That we will continue to learn meekness in our daily lives here.
- PTL for giving us an oven to cook with!
- Food items from the Big City to eat at home.
- Connecting with like-hearted co-workers here on the field.
- Teaching us to rely on Him in all circumstances.
- Reconnecting with an old friend who is a family member. We plan to host them in our home on Friday.
- Connecting with friends and family back home in Texas.