We celebrate 4 years of marital adventure today! It is amazing to look back on the last 4 years and reflect on how crazy awesome our journey together has been. Father has truly drawn us closer to each other and closer to Him. As challenging as it can be sometimes, we feel that living overseas has been the BEST part of our marriage so far!
To celebrate, a friend gave us a surprise deal at a Hot Springs Resort about 3 hours away from our town. We had a difficult time relaxing at first, because it was nicer than anything we’ve ever experienced here! This was the first time in our marriage to be together and alone on the actual day of our anniversary!
We spent our time hopping around 12 different kinds of hot spring pools, hitting balls at the driving range, and resting. We met a family of 3 while we were there and spent some time with them.
We are beyond thankful to our friend for such a sweet blessing.