Local Opportunities

We’ve continued to do English corners at the family-owned coffee shop in town each week. One topic was “You Raise Me Up”. The people in this particular country LOVE this song! We sang the song together and then went around in a circle sharing about who raises us up in our life. We were excited to be given a topic that had potential opportunity for open doors. Many people talked about their personal relationship with the Father and how He raises them up in times of difficulty. This was great for our unbelieving friends to hear firsthand that local people have a relationship with Father. We both were able to share some of our testimony with the group as well. The other half of the group talked about family members and friends in their life who help them.

We were invited to help some local friends with a photo scavenger hunt and gathering. We ended the party by passing out 80 copies of Purpose Driven Life written in their language. We are encouraged that 80 school kids now have a copy of this book and we are hoping they will share it with their families. Please join us in lifting up these kids and their families as they delve into this book and learn about Father’s purpose for their life.

Currently, we are preparing to form a group for nonbelievers to join with our local friends in town at the coffee shop. We are planning a few activities for them to come to and get to know each other first, and then we will begin a study group. Please join us in prying for this undertaking. We pry for Father to handpick students He desires to be in this group. We also pry for the facilitators of the group to be prepared, faithful, and bold. We also pry for protection and security over this entire operation from beginning to end.