Stateside Visit

We were positively encouraged by our time in the states. It was such a sweet treat to spend time with family and friends during the holidays. Chris’ first meal was Taco Bell and Becky’s was Chick-fil-a! Some of our dearest friends decorated the house we were staying at with some pretty funny welcome home decor. Some highlights included the enjoyment of family all around us, running water (and hot water!), feeling warmth from a heater, drinking from the tap water, eating some real beef, driving a car, and feeling the simple freedom of publicly wshiping the name of the Son! 

February was a full month of family and fun. Becky was given the opportunity to attend the IF:Gathering at our home community. Father used this time to grow her in ways that were incredibly enriching in her walk with Him. Some dear friends of ours took us to the Fort Worth Stock show and Rodeo where we felt right at home in our Texan roots.

They also took us to see David Crowder, Matt Maher, and Mercy Me at the Rock and Worship Road Show. It was such a great experience to lift our hands and wship the name of the Son in an open place! We got to meet a lot of the artist and Tedashi gave us one of his cd’s to take back to SE Asia to give away to a student!

We were so lucky to meet several new Sunday school classes that month. It was really great for us to share stories about the work Father has given us and to make new friendships to take back with us as we serve a third year overseas. We spent our second to last day fishing with some old friends. It was such a joyful day of laughter and relaxation.


- We survived the traveling endeavors from our town to Texas in about 35 hours without any major complications!

- We had unique opportunities to share with people in the states about our work, our lives, and most importantly the amazing stories Father has made happen over the last 2 years while living overseas. It was so much fun telling people about the lost world around us and letting them hear about the minority groups/villagers/students we work with on a daily basis! While seeking rest and refreshment during our time home, it was also vital for us to be intentional in raising awareness of the work Father has given us, spreading the news about the lost, and seeking pryer support/financial support. We know that He supplies for each and every need and we are fueled by the compassion He has placed in our hearts for His people. We love because He first loved us!