5th Semester Down
Our last week on campus felt like a revolving door. The door started to close as we said goodbye to our graduated brothers and sisters, “see you soon” to our students we spend the most time with, and as we made our final donation drop to the orphanage before summer holiday. The door has already opened to reveal the expanded work we now have thanks to the teams’ relationships they’ve made this summer. We are excited to build upon the connections they’ve given us. We continue to be thankful and amazed by the expansion of work we receive because of teams.
Our time at the orphanage was very special. Thanks to our partnerships with you all back home, we were able to bless them with 17 canisters of glucose for babies, 5 baby walkers, and 5 baby push walkers/tables.It was so neat to sit on the floor with the team and assemble all of the walkers for them. The kids came out and started to play with them.
We ran into a small obstacle during our visit. The manager requested for us to have a permission document issued by the government in order to make future visits. This caught us off guard, but they did ensure to us that they definitely want us to keep coming back. This is happening because we’ve brought some large groups this summer to visit and they want to keep everyone safe. We praise Father that we will still be able to make visits when we return after summer holiday. They have already requested high chairs and more glucose for September’s donation drop!
After our visit, we headed over to see Auntie in the village for one last local meal before break. She was excited to meet new team members. We were able to help her get some medicine and pay for her to have a doctor’s visit later that day. We also lifted her up in pr for the pain she’s been feeling from rheumatoid arthritis. She was deeply moved by the invested interest everyone showed. We pr for Father to draw her near and that she will learn more about Him as we continue to spend time with her.
She drove Becky around the village on a moped to introduce her to all of her friends and told everyone, “This is my American daughter” in her local language! We are seeking opportunities to share the message with her and her family. She has asked us to come to her daughter’s wedding in the fall. We are pring for Father to show us how to use this unique event to teach them more about the Son.
We’d like everyone to join us in pring for our time in America with our student. Originally, we were set to bring 4 students to Texas for 8 weeks this summer as a new culture exchange program we’ve started with our university we work in. However, Father clearly had a plan for only one student to be accepted to come. We have arrived in Texas this week with this one student and we are fully dedicated to providing her a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be exposed and saturated with the message and message-living people in an open country for the first time.
Instead of taking a summer break, we felt Father placing this student on our hearts to pour into and focus on for this special time. We know that His desire is for all to know Him. We want so badly for this sweet girl to know Him. We have arranged several internship positions for her to experience, 5 university tours lined up, and she has 3 gracious host families to live with for a total of 9 weeks.
This will be our last email update until we return to SE Asia after our summer holiday. There are several key requests we have listed below for you to remember us by over the next several weeks. We love and appreciate all of you and we want you to know that we look forward to beginning a new semester serving side by side with you all when we return.